4 seed
4.1 What is a seed?
"A random seed (or seed state, or just seed) is a number used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator."
4.2 flametree
Inspired by Danielle Navarro's aRt packages we illustrate, using art, what setting a random seed
## use
## devtools::install_github("djnavarro/flametree")
## to install
To grow the flametree we use the flametree_grow()
function which has an argument seed
. Using this we can grow any number of unique flametrees!
## R release date = 29 February 2000
## so set seed = 20000229
flametree <- flametree_grow(seed = 20000229)
flametree_plot(tree = flametree)
## The year of lockdowns 2020
flametree <- flametree_grow(seed = 2020)
flametree_plot(tree = flametree)
4.2.1 Grow your own tree
4.3 Thorns
What about thorn02?
## required packages
pkgs <- c("Rcpp","ggplot2","ggforce","voronise","dplyr","here")
for(i in 1:length(pkgs)) if(!require(pkgs[i])) install.packages(pkgs[i])
## This isn't a package so we source the code files from GitHub
## and create the directory structure the function expects
## .cpp file needed
download.file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djnavarro/thorn02/master/source/thorn_02.cpp",destfile = "../source/thorn_02.cpp")
The thorn02()
function we've just sourced has one argument: seed
## using the worst password in the world
thorn02(seed = 1234)
## glasses of wine I had last night
thorn02(seed = 3)
## R release date = 29 February 2000
## so set seed = 20000229
thorn02(seed = 20000229)